Recycling your household food waste is the #1 most impactful action individuals can take to reverse climate change. We all have to eat food, so we all share the responsibility of saving our scraps to build a better planet.
Our renegade crew of eco-vangelists are not afraid to get dirty! Our dedicated drivers cruise the metro collecting 20,000 pounds of food waste per week. With our wide range of services, we have options to fit any budget!
The “Farm to Table” movement celebrates eating local and seasonal foods – an ecological solution to a global food system. But what if we put our farms on a 100-mile diet? Compost Collective KC envisions a climate positive system where wasted food returns to local farms to reincarnate as food once again.
Let’s make a greener KC! Compost Collective KC is eager to speak to your office, association, congregation, or school group. We have an abundance of food waste resources, including educational programs and zero-waste event tips.