
Curious how the impact of composting affects the environment?

drop off waste
Compostable bags piled high in a Compost Collective truck.

The simple habit of separating your food scraps into a compost bin can make an incredible impact toward a sustainable future for Kansas City.

Individual actions add up. Did you know that one KC family composting for 3 years can divert 1 ton of food waste from municipal landfills?! By composting your food waste, instead of putting it in the trash, you are replenishing local soil, limiting the production of methane + sequestering carbon from the atmosphere! Composting makes KC a better place to be for everyone!

Mixed food waste and yard clippings
of food waste diverted from landfills.
0 lbs
of food waste turned
into nutrient rich compost!
0 lbs
Child shoveling compost

Which is equivalent to…

Traffic jam
being removed from the road for one year.
0 cars
of healthy, local food grown with compost!
0 lbs
Farmer holding fresh produce

Ready to save the planet?